Spring into September with Oato

Spring into September with Oato

The start of a new season calls for trying out something new, and we suggest sampling a dairy-free milk alternative. If you’ve tried out oat-based milk alternatives before, you’ll likely understand what all the hype is about, but you may not have tasted the best of the best…which is where Oato comes in! Hailing from Lancashire, Oato is a small UK business with a passion for sustainability and creating deliciously creamy fresh oat drink.


Add Oato to your Daily Essentials deliveries here.


What’s Oato’s story?

Carl Hopwood’s decision to found Oato was a product of his vision for a more sustainable future, united by his background in chemistry and business. Carl saw that there were no oat-based dairy alternatives being produced in the UK with UK ingredients, with oat drinks often imported from Europe with non-UK ingredients. Not only that, the oat drinks on offer in supermarkets are packaged in tetrapaks and heated to ultra-high temperatures, making them a less sustainable option to Oato’s natural low-impact oats.

Providing an oat drink that’s sustainably produced with UK ingredients and delivered in glass was a no-brainer for Oato. Offering the finest local products and ingredients with sustainability at its core made Creamline and Oato a natural pairing!

Read our interview with Carl Hopwood to find out more Oato’s journey.


Packed full of fibre and plant-based protein

Adding oat-based drinks into your diet is a great way to up your fibre intake and promote a healthy digestion system. People commonly worry that oat alternatives don’t contain enough protein. While they don’t provide as much protein per ml compared to cow’s milk, they’re still proven to be a fantastic source of plant-based protein. And whether you’re trying oat drink on the side or on its own, you can be sure you’re still packing in the vitamins as Oato is fortified with calcium, vitamins D3, B2 and B12, and B-Glucans, all of which strengthen your immune system.


Available in glass bottles, to your doorstep

Oato comes fresh in pint-sized glass bottles, delivered by Creamline’s friendly milkmen to your doorstep. Like the rest of our glass milk bottles, simply rinse out the bottle when you’re done and your roundsperson will conveniently take them away, no-hassle.


Straight from the glass bottle, Oato offers a better experience than its less sustainable carton counterparts found in supermarket fridges and shelves. As oat drinks naturally separate after standing still, make sure to shake the bottle well before use to heighten its deliciously creamy texture.

Latte art enthusiasts needn’t worry as Oato won’t split in your coffee and you can even microfoam it! It’s also yummy in porridge (yes, more oats!), with cereal or simply on its own.


Add Oato to your Daily Essentials deliveries here.

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