Back to school is finally here, but are you ready?
It’s not that we don’t love our children,
but parents all over the country have been counting down to next week since
March: it’s finally back to school time!
No more desperately trying to rediscover long-forgotten
memories of quadratic equations, or battling with your children’s assertion that the Nintendo
Switch really is a valuable home-learning resource – hooray!
But before you get packing those new
pencil cases, how else can you prepare your little ones for the return to
school? Here are some of our tips.
Explain how school life will be different
Like other aspects of 2020 life, schools
will adopt a ‘new normal’ in September and this will take a bit of getting used
to. Explain to your children what will be different but reassure them that
teachers have been thinking about how to make the school safe and that they’ll
be there to help them get used to the changes.
Make time to talk about worries
Children may be apprehensive about their
new routine and changes from their previous school experience. Make time for
little conversations to find out how they’re feeling about returning to school
and use the opportunity to acknowledge concerns before offering reassurance.
Get back into a good routine
Let’s face it, 2020 has not been the year
of the routine! For many families,
bedtimes have drifted, and mealtimes and snacking have been all over the place.
To make the back-to-school transition easier on everyone it’s important to
start gradually shifting back towards ‘normality’ so it’s easier for everyone
to adjust when the big day comes.
Fuel brains and bodies with a good
breakfast and healthy snacks
Studies have shown that children who have
breakfast function better at school, with more energy and better concentration.
Let Creamline take the stress out of breakfast with our Daily Essentials
range of milk, bread, eggs, cereals, fruit juice and yoghurts delivered straight
to your doorstep. You can also send the kids off to school with a healthy
breaktime snack when you choose from our handpicked selection of local fresh fruit and veg!
Be calm
Easier said than done, we hear you say!
You may feel anxious about your children returning to school and changes to
your routine but it’s important to convey calm to your children so they don’t
take on any of your worries.
Good luck, and enjoy!