Autumn Blackberry Pie

A traditional pie bursting with flavour,  this simple recipe never goes out of fashion.

Serves: 8


1) Preheat your oven to 180°C. 

2) Lightly grease a 23cm/9 inch pie dish.

3) Divide the shortcrust pastry in half.  Using half the pastry, on a floured surface roll out and line the bottom of the pie dish. 

4) Mix the brown sugar and cornflour into the blackberries and pour into the pastry case.

5) Roll out the second half of the pastry on a lightly floured surface and place on top of the fruit. Cut away any excess pastry and crimp the edges with your thumb to seal. Brush all over the top with lightly beaten egg. Prick a few holes over the surface and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.

6) Serve warm with custard or ice cream.



Autumn Blackberry Pie


300g shortcrust pastry

For the filling
500g blackberries
25g cornflour
120g soft brown sugar
1 beaten egg to glaze