Simon Carolan

Simon Carolan

We caught up with Simon Carolan, to find more about being the son of a milkman, how he keeps fit by delivering milk and what keeps Creamline customers coming back for more.

Simon, what was it that made you want to become a milkman?

My Dad was a Creamline milkman, so it’s something I’ve always been familiar with. I have good memories of helping my Dad and other roundsmen within the dairy.

I love that the role is so active, I like to keep fit and delivering the milk allows me to do this all whilst getting paid at the same time! It’s a perfect match.

What’s your typical working day like?

I get up bright and early, set off for the dairy and take my electric milk float off charge. I load up all the products I’m going to deliver on that round – I put in everything I need: milk, food products and Creamline’s new market fresh fruit & veg boxes.

I set off delivering all the products to my customers in the morning. I like to collect the milk money in the morning, as it’s a lot easier to do it than at night.

Once my work is done, I set off back to the dairy where I put my milk float back on charge – ready to go for the next round.

Have you ever had any shifts that didn’t really go as planned?

I was learning a new round that I wasn’t familiar with at 01:00 in the morning. During this new round, I got an urgent call from the night staff who said that they needed me to go on one of my more familiar rounds, as one of my colleagues was ill and couldn’t deliver that day.

When I finished my new round, I went straight to fill in for the other round at 06:00 too. In the end, it was a very long shift but it was a proud moment, because I had managed to complete both rounds and all my customers received their morning milk.

Why do you think customers stay with Creamline?

I can see loads of reasons! Creamline offer several delivery days a week, so people have fresh deliveries to keep them stocked up all week. We’ve got a lot of fresh local produce too; I think customers always want to get the freshest possible items.

We offer a really friendly personal service too. All my customers know me and it’s nice having a catch up with them; I really feel like part of the community.